Vmware Bios Serial Number
Apr 17, 2012 I believe the uuid.bios is 'corrected' when a VM is started and set to the VMware format if it's not correct. I just tried this with a test VM - unregistered it - updated the VMX to have a uuid.bios = '244558' - registered the VM - powered it on. After the VM was on I checked the BIOS serial and ESXi had updated it back to the usual format. I am trying to use PRTG to determine the BIOS serial numbers of our Dell ESX hosts. Anyone know a simple way to implement that sensor? I usually use a custom WMI sensor for Dell Servers running Windows to get that info but am stumped on how to get that info out of a bare-metal ESX server. I changed the DMI information (Vendor, Serial Number) and saved the BIOS but still the BIOS Serial Number shown in the VM is the one created by Vmware. I can't find a way to have the Serial Number of the VM set the physical machine value (displayed by dmidecode -t1). VMware is the leading virtualization solution provider which provides very good features for server virtualization & as well as availability of virtual servers. VMware has its own hypervisor ESXi for virtualization.
We are in the process of upgrading our environment from 3.5 to 4.1 U1. We are building our hosts with a fresh install of vSphere and migrating our guest servers to the new hosts.
However we have an application installed on a server that uses the BIOS Serial Number and the MAC address of the NIC for licencing. When we view the licence information it shows the BIOS serial number, machine name and MAC address. Obviously the machine name wont be changing when we migrate to a new host
However I would like to upgrade the NIC to a VMXNET3 card and this will change the MAC address. Would there be any problems assigning a manual MAC address to the NIC using the MAC address of the original NIC?
Will the BIOS Serial Number change when we migrate the server to the new host?
When I display the licence information for the application the BIOS serial number is displayed as: BIOS SERIAL NUMBER: VMware-50 15 0a 30 59 1c 8f c3-8e e7 08 b6 c2 12 23 65.
The HEX numbers in the BIOS serial number displayed are the same as the uuid.bios in the server vmx file. If the BIOS serial number were to change, would I be able to edit the vmx file and change the uuid.bios?
Get Vmware Vm Serial Number
The manufacturer, as set in the BIOS of my VM, is 'VMWare'. I want to change that to other string. How to do that?
Canadian Luke1 Answer
See Virtual Machine and OEM license for Windows for the only way I could find of modifying the manufacturer.
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According to it, if your computer is known to VMware, then by adding to the virtual machine's configuration file (vmx) the option:
then the Manufacturer and Product Name strings in the virtual machine become the same as the Manufacturer and Product Name of the host system. This requires the destination host to have the same hardware as the guest.
This is as far as I will go, as modding the VMware BIOS is somewhat on the edge of legality. If you wish to go this way, this is a start.
Download Acer support drivers by identifying your device first by entering your device serial number, SNID, or model number. Download Acer Support Drivers and Manuals in Products in Support in Press. The Acer Extensa 2508 laptop came with two options for its Bluetooth driver and wireless driver. These would either be an Atheros or Broadcom driver. All these drivers had been released in December 2014 and are the latest drivers from Acer for this laptop. Acer wireless driver.
harrymcharrymcprotected by Community♦Nov 11 '15 at 21:00
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