Whatsapp For Android 2.3.4 Apk
I have accidently deleted ‘Google Play’ App from my android phone (2.3.4) and now I am not able to download/upgrade any app from store even though I have ‘Market’ App installed. I am getting pop up ‘An error has occurred. Please try again later’ when trying to upgrade any app (e.g. Whatsapp) or directly clicked on ‘Market’ app.Kindly help me how to resolve this issue. Is there any way, I can install Google Play APK on my Android 2.3.4
- After downloading the APK file of Open in Whatsapp move the downloaded file to your SD card or your Android smartphone's internal memory and then use any Android file manager you prefer to browse & install it.
- Whatsapp Messenger Apk Download: Whatsapp Messenger Apk Free Download Latest Version 2.12.10. Today I introduce to you a very famous messenger named Whatsapp 2.12.10. Whatsapp 2.12.10 Apk is used for online text and voice chatting on the android mobile phone. Whatsapp is one of the best and popular application in a market for android smartphones.
- May 07, 2017 When you install WhatsApp by downloading its APK from this website on your Android phone, you don’t have to worry about any bills because WhatsApp is totally free for the first year after installation but WhatsApp might charge after that, the current price is a.
But this WhatsApp+ JiMODs (JTWhatsApp) created by Jimtechs goes a step further, as it incorporates an anti-banning system (WhatsApp can't kick you out if it realizes that you're using it), it still adds extra functions to the original version and it also allows the use of two WhatsApp accounts on the same Android phone. WhatsApp Messenger is a FREE messaging app available for Android and other smartphones. WhatsApp uses your phone's Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) to let you message and call friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, calls, photos, videos, documents, and Voice Messages. Download WhatsApp Messenger 2.19.275. Chat with all your contacts – fast and easy. WhatsApp Messenger is the most convenient way of quickly sending messages on your mobile phone to any contact or friend on your contacts list.
1 Answer
To reinstall the Google Play app to your device, you can follow these steps.
First, you need to get an APK installer on your device if you don't already have one. I use the app 'APK Installer' from this site: http://apkinstaller.com/ I've used this app quite a bit in development and highly recommend it.
You can download their PC software which will allow you to install APKs to your device through a USB connection. You can follow their detailed instructions on how to do this here: http://apkinstaller.com/faqs/how-to-install-apk.html
Once you have done this, you can download the latest version of the Google Play app and install it onto your device using the APK Installer. Grab the latest version of the app (or whatever version you need) from a mirror site such as this: http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/google-play-store/google-play-store-5-6-8-android-apk-download/
Once you get the Google Play app back on your device, sign into it with your Google account, and all your apps should be able to update again.
However, the report is incorrect because the line is in a section that only runs in Visual Basic for Applications 6.0. NoteBy default, a new workbook is opened.Press ALT+F11 to start the Visual Basic for Applications 7.0 IDE window.On the Insert menu, click Module.In the code window that appears, copy and paste the following code: #If VBA7 ThenPrivate Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib 'kernel32' (ByVal ms As LongPtr)#ElsePrivate Declare Sub Sleep Lib 'kernel32' (ByVal ms as Long)#End If.In each Declare statement, manually change the name of any parameter that is passed from 'ms' to 'millisecs.' VBA 6.0 does not use PtrSafe. When you change the second Declare statement, Visual Basic for Applications 7.0 will report an error that indicates that you have to use PtrSafe. Excel vba compile code.
Hope this helps!